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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wish List

During my last semester at the Savannah College of Art and Design, one of my favorite professors, Catherine Cardarelli, took our class to visit the rare book collection at SCAD's Jen Library. And while this singular act initially dropped her down a few pegs on my "favorite professor" list (as going to the library is just barely above slamming my face onto a hot stove on my list of things I'd really rather not do), I actually couldn't have been happier that we went. I found the most inspiring, heart-wrenching, truly beautiful "book" that I have ever come across while we were there. It is called "Unspoken" by Jahjehan Bath Ives and yep, I WANT IT.

This "book" is housed in a lovely wooden box and is comprised of twenty-five postcards that the author created after the sudden passing of her brother due to pneumonia. One side is text, literally postcards to her brother, and the other side is drawings, references to their childhood and such. And you can piece all of the postcards together via the pictures on the back, like a puzzle. It is a visually and emotionally stunning book and her words speak volumes to my heavy, broken heart (a long post is needed to explain, but that is for another time). You should have seen me fighting back tears as I read through these postcards in the library! Not exactly an appropriate time or place for a break-down, as you can imagine. But I have since then become obsessed with the idea of owning this book, which unfortunately happens to be three-hundred dollars. I know that most might think that this is an absolutely ridiculous amount of money to pay for, essentially twenty-five used postcards, but I just don't care. It is a limited edition art book. Each book is signed by the artist. It echos how I feel in a way that nothing yet has. And it would be a piece of art. I want it to be my piece of art.

I suppose that while we are on the subject of potentially over-priced things that I want, we might as well touch on this gem as well.

It's a silver latitude-longitude ring that I found on Etsy. You send them the coordinates you want and they send you a ring. Would be so easy if that pesky sixty-two dollar fee wasn't involved. Not exactly a pittance for a little ol' ring. Too bad I'm in love with it. I want to have the coordinates to where my boy is buried, the only place I can go to visit him now. I mean, I know he's not there, but it's all I've got (again, another post for another time).

To end on a bit of a happier note, I was able to cross one thing off of my wish list today with these lovelies:

An absolutely gorgeous pair of teal leather "boat shoes" that I probably really can't afford right now. And they'll probably stop being trendy as soon as I get them, which is typically my luck when it comes to fashion, but hopefully my love for them will be sustained regardless. Lately I've been buying things for the person that I want to be, rather than necessarily who I am. And, I mean, why not? Maybe if I just keep making strides towards where I want to go, I'll eventually find myself right where I want to be. 

What a delightful thought.

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