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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Surviving the Apocalypse

So, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm feeling pretty outstanding for surviving 12/21/12. If nothing else, I can put that one down in the win column for me. Although, I put so many things off prior to that infamous date that I'm feeling extremely overwhelmed these days. I mean, seriously, why would I work on that HUGE pile of laundry if the world was just going to end? Take out the trash? Do the dishes? Maintain basic hygiene?  Pffft, whatevz. But, just as Joshua so accurately and gracefully predicted, "Girl, you're gonna have a shit-ton of stuff to do on the 22nd." And I did. And still do. Playing catch-up has been less than enjoyable, but I'll get there. I'll get there.

I realized recently that I never actually posted about some delightful carrot cake cupcakes that Elvis and I made recently. I also realized that I never posted this:

That pictures makes me laugh so much. Elvis was showing me around Marietta Square one night: "Here's this and this and this. Oh, and here I am." Love it.

Oh, right. That whole Christmas thing happened recently, too, huh? Life has been a whirlwind and it feels like that was so long ago already. Here's a cutie-pa-tootie picture of my brother and I. 

And here is a picture of me in my Christmas Story hoodie that I found while I was at my parents' house for the holidays. Do I look like a deranged Easter Bunny? A pink nightmare?  Perfect.

Alright, alright. On to the good stuff. FOOD.

I really wanted to be able to post a recipe for this, but I did a pretty piss-poor job of taking notes about exactly what went into these scrumptious sweets. So, maybe next time I'll remember to be more diligent (as these will certainly be re-made and perfected). They were supes yummmmmm.

I made this poor kid grate baby carrots. It was all I had! Thank God he's such a good sport. We made sure to count afterwards, and yep, all ten fingers remained intact. Whew!

It was pretty obvious when he was over it. Cause things like this started happening:

With the approving stare of our newly created grater totem, we moved on to prep the top secret ingredient for these cupcakes.

Fresh pineapple! Chopped up reeeeeeal fine. So much better than that canned jank.

Lined a few muffin tins with some fancy-fied cupcake liners, baked those fuckers up real nice and golden-brown like, thew some maple-syrup cream cheese frosting on 'em and devoured. So delish. They needed a lil' help in the texture department (not enough flour in the cupcake to make it dense enough to support the frosting), but they were sooooo close to being the perfect carrot cake cupcake. 

I suppose that's all I have for this post. I've got a lot more to share -- Hey! Did I mention that I broke up with Elvis? -- but, that'll have to wait for another day. I hope everyone has a magical New Year's Eve. I sobbed uncontrollably before midnight and slept alone in my empty condo last year. I figure this NYE can't possibly be any worse than that, so, here's to hoping. Cheers! 

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