This is his series, "Portraits of an Elderly Superhero" and I think I'm in love. The nerd and the artist inside of me become simultaneously warm and fuzzy when I look at these. I think that I am commonly drawn to art that I could never, ever, ever have the talent/capacity to do, and that could be why Englund's work is so stunning to me. It's one thing to create a realistic painting from a photograph or a real-life subject, but to create a realistic painting based on a fantasy is beyond talented. Look at the lighting. How perfectly he captures all of the detail in the face and hands. That right knee bone. MIND = BLOWN.
This is a photograph of Englund in the process of painting, just so that you can get an idea of the scale of these babies. Can you even imagine how amazing they must be in person?
I tried really hard to pick out a favorite in the series, but I just can't, so I'm just going to go into overkill mode and give you top three:
Too funny, right? Witty and technically beautiful and nerdy and delightful. I approve, Andreas Englund, I approve.
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