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Thursday, September 15, 2011

You Know What Else is Hard to Do, Neil Sedaka? Growing Up.

I'm feeling like a really real grown-up this week. Getting hit hard with some life lessons about money and responsibility and junk. I may not like it, but I guess it had to happen sometime. I got hired on for another part-time job at a restaurant that is opening up in Midtown Atlanta called Takorea. I'm actually really excited about it! I couldn't possibly tell you why, but I've always wanted to be a server. It just seems like such a blasty blast, and a great way to meet people. Not to mention that I'm great at being overly nice to people, even when they are being assholes to me. Not that I'm expecting to serve assholes, I'm just saying, I think it'll be a beneficial attribute.

In other news, the juice fast just isn't going to work. I couldn't even go one day! Pretty pathetic attempt, I know but, oh well. I decided that I'm going to do my own version that really isn't a fast at all, but more of just a light diet. I've been restricting myself to juice, raw fruits and veggies and grilled chicken. I honestly don't really care if it's a fast or not, because I feel good about it. It feels like something I can actually continue with, as opposed to only drinking juice, which I pretty quickly realized I couldn't/didn't want to do.

I mean, honestly, who could drink sludge-green juice ALL DAY for TEN DAYS? Not that it necessarily tastes bad, but I just can't do it. And I applaud anyone who can. Ye are irrefutably a stronger willed being than I. This particular concoction was green apple, celery and romaine. Why? I don't know. I was just trying to stick to the whole "like colors" theory which, so far, has remained a fairly reliable supposition; however, I have discovered through this process that I hate celery and tomato juice. They are terribly effective at ruining the other juices. Pity.

And lastly, I hesitate to even add this, but I bought something else today that I can't afford. Kind of an impulse buy, but also another fabulous piece to add to my "who I want to be" wardrobe. It was just too beautiful, and you can't fault me for loving beautiful things, can you (well, if you can, you shouldn't)? This darling, is mine:

I just had to have it. It fit like a glove and it's so fun. Dress it up, dress it down; it has so many possibilities! So, here's to hoping this jacket looks just a good in the dark, after I can't afford to pay my electric bill next month! Cheers!

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