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Saturday, September 3, 2011

DragonCon: Home of Multiple Dorkgasms

I really could kick myself for having such a wretched memory. Perhaps if I had a better one, I would have remembered that DragonCon is this weekend in Atlanta. Sad face.

For those of you who don't know, DragonCon is an annual sci-fi/comic book/video game/all-things-dweeby gathering that occurs over Labor Day weekend. And it's...hmm...let me figure out how to put this. SPEC-FUCKING-TACULAR.

Let me begin by saying that, despite being a huge nerd, I have never been to this convention. Unfortunately, this time is no different. As I stated before, I forgot about it, thus leading to the sad face. Remember? Thought I'd remind you in case your memory is as poor as mine.

Anyway, luckily for me, there was a parade this morning for anyone who dressed in a particularly stunning costume. And for anyone without tickets to watch from the sidewalk in awe and kick rocks on the way back to the car (i.e. me). I have no qualms about saying that there were tons of people/characters in the parade that I didn't recognize, but that were completely awesome. Like this guy for example:

I don't know who/what he is, but I love him! Clearly a ton of time, thought, effort, patience went into this costume, and I can appreciate the dedication. So, thank you, good sir of whom I do not recognize. Thank you.

Oh, yes. A LEGIT Mach 5 Racer from Speed Racer:

And Bender from Futurama:

And of course, who ya gonna call?:

Maybe this guy? Who did an outstanding job of appearing as crazy/genius as Rick Moranis did in the original Ghostbusters (or perhaps genuinely crazy/genius, who knows?):


I was getting positively dizzy from all of the excitement! Thank goodness all of the terrifying terrorists from Netherworld showed up to terrify me back into a terrifying reality:


Believe it or not, that last picture was actually taken of this demon-man smiling. The little boy standing next to me was horrified by these guys, and for some reason, this ogre felt that smiling and waving at the child was the best solution to quell his fear. I'm not sure if a fang-revealing smile was really going to do much to soften your black, horned, bloody facade, but you get a solid "E" for effort. 

I actually went to Netherworld for Halloween two years ago and nearly had a heart-a-stroke. Never again.

Of course, what would a sci-fi convention be without a sea of Storm Troopers? I wouldn't know, and I'm sure no one else does either, because I doubt Star Wars nerds have e're been absent from any convention, anywhere, ever. But here's what this years' sea of Troopers looked like:

While all of these people/characters/costumes were honest-to-God amazing, I think that this was my favorite costume of all (although I may be biased because I'm a little obsessed with this game):

Hey there, Big Daddy. Come to Mama! Spot on costume! Big, huge, ridiculous, toe-curling dorkgasm over this! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!

So rad. So nerdy. So entertaining. Whew. I need a cigarette.

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