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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Come Along With Me

I woke up in a (much-needed) fantastic mood this morning. To be perfectly honest, I had the most romantic dream about Elvis last night. I don't even remember what the dream was about specifically, just that it was filled with all of the fine, intimate details that I loved most about him: his hands and his smell and the way we could walk, side-by-side, in a perfect, synchronized stride. It was a whimsical, dreamy dream and I'm so happy to have had it. 

Although I never would have admitted it at the time (and even still hesitate), I was in love with that kid. Maybe it's just me viewing the past with rose-colored glasses, but I can't help but think that under different circumstances we could have had something lasting. I am still coping with not having him in my life anymore, but I have to believe that it's in everyone's best interest that it worked out the way that it did. 

Anywho...let's talk Dragon*Con. Cause I totally went this past weekend and it was totally bitchin'. Well, sort of. The convention itself was amazing, but my experience was tainted by my wretched mood and for the entirety of the weekend, I was overwhelmed by anxiety and depression. My cousin flew in from Pittsburgh to go to D*C with me, but we did not have very many panels that we both wanted to see together, so I spent a vast chunk of time by myself. And I don't know if you've ever had that "alone in a crowded room" feeling before, but it's the worst kind of alone. 

However, I did manage to bust out some pretty rad cosplay this year. I went as Finn from Adventure Time:

I even used this blog post as a basis for the Demon Blood sword that accompanied my costume. Of course I had to tweak as I went along, but I was pretty happy with the outcome:

All my shitty anxiety issues prevented me from taking many pictures, so I didn't even manage full ensemble shot, but trust me when I say I was totes legit and fuckin' adorbz. 

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