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Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year, New Me...Maybe...Probably Not, But Perhaps

I'd probably be the first one to tell you how stupid New Year's Resolutions are. They're self-indulgent and honestly, pretty likely to fail. I mean, seriously, how many times have you heard someone say, "You know, if it weren't for that New Year's Resolution, I'd never have turned out this skinny/rich/cultured/stylish/exquisite/happy/etc!" (If you know someone who has uttered this phrase, please leave me a comment! I will need to interview said person, because it's probably the only time in history that this has occurred.)

Okay, so, it's true. It doesn't usually work like that. But they are well-intentioned thoughts, and maybe sending out those favorable intentions into the universe does have its merits. And while I don't necessarily believe in their effectiveness, I none-the-less have my own New Years Resolutions:
  1. Duh. Lose weight. Get healthy. Blah blah blah.
  2. Read more. Watch TV less. -- This is a two-fer-one deal! There are just so many good books gathering dust on my bookshelves, begging to be read or re-read. I know someone who read one-hundred books in 2011. WOW! I initially thought I wanted to mimic that in 2012, but then I pulled my head out of the clouds, and thought that fifty would be a good jumping off point. So, that's the goal. Fifty books in 2012.
  3. Bake and cook more. -- But, more importantly...
  4. Figure out how to not let #3 affect #1. -- This is probably the hardest one to incorporate, but let me tell you why it's important. I LOVE to cook and bake. I LOVE to be in the kitchen. I truly believe that I'm happiest when I'm there, making delicious things for my family and friends. And I love blogging about food. I love food photography and I love the idea that more time spent in the kitchen means better cooking, shooting, and blogging. 
  5. Photograph more. And care less about what I capture. -- To be perfectly honest, I needed a break from photography. And I'm glad that I had an opportunity to take that break, but I do miss it. And I want to start shooting again. I also feel like school instilled a desire in me for "the perfect shot" all of the time. I was never given the chance to shoot just for the hell of it, I was always shooting to capture something specific. But now, I just want to be able to shoot without critiquing myself as I go. To shoot just to shoot. 
  6. Become more financial stable. -- i.e. bring home more bacon.
It may not make any difference to have these resolutions, but I figure it can't hurt to hope. Last time I checked, a little hope never hurt anything. 

What are your New Year's Resolutions?

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