Thus, the head cold.
So, being that I'm young and idealistic (and potentially naive and unrealistic), I've changed jobs already. Not anything super drastic, like going into mechanical engineering or anything like that, but without going into any of the finer details, I quit my job at the art gallery that I was working for and am now working as a studio assistant for an artist. Although I desperately wanted to do both, I had to choose. And I chose Michelle. The whimsical, idealistic, head-in-the-clouds girl won out, and I feel pretty good about it. And thus, on the eve of such a change, I figured I'd post about Michelle Armas' paintings. She is after all my new employer (*cough* brownie points *cough*), an artist, and more than an acceptable choice for this weeks' Saturday dose of art.

Michelle Armas is kind of a big deal. Her paintings sell all over the world and in addition to her talent, she is hilarious. Before I ever even met Michelle, I read her blog. I must admit, when she raved about a chunky, over-sized sweater on the basis of it's appeal as a "fab fart blocker" in one blog post, I thought we might be soul mates. I also laughed so hard I almost peed a little.
I've only ever seen Michelle's more abstract color fields, like "The Big Salad" above (a new work and my fave because it really does look like a big salad to me), but I personally am in love with these much more intricate oil paintings that she's done. They remind me of brain synapses or something. A visual representation of an artist's neurological functions. WOAH.
I'd love to know what they're really about, and I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to pick her brain about them in the future. I'll keep you posted on what I find out.
So, all in all, I will just have to wait out and see if I made the best decision possible. But if not, I'll just listen to Rilo Kiley's "Salute My Shorts" and be reminded that, "Everyone fucks up. It's going to be okay."
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